Moving in or moving out

Moving-in procedure

When you have signed the contract, sent it back and paid the first rate you are ready to schedule a moving-in-meeting with our student assistant. This is to take place at the latest two weeks prior to your moving in. You are to agree on date and time of the day. The student assistant´s contact information is available under “Contact”

On the day of arrival you will be handed out keys, admission card and wash card. You will be shown your room and get a guided tour on the shared premises of the college. You will also be enrolled in our Facebook-groups. We encourage you to spend some time on our website where all information about the life at Fortunkollegiet is available.

 Moving-out procedure

You are to give notice to terminate your room at least three months before you intend to leave the college. If for example you want to move out October 31, we need your notice in writing by July 31.

Important – Remember to:

Contact Tom Frederiksen by mail, and tell dates for moving out and your bank account details.

Contact Benjamin Hansen, for inspection of the room. The roome does not need to be empty. Note if you do not contact Benjamin it may affect the payment of your deposit.

When you have canceled your room, Fortunkollegiet has the right to inspect your room before you have moved out. You will be contacted so we can arrange a time.

Contact Embla Peuliche, one week before you leave the dorm permanently and arranged a meeting with her about giving back your key card and time of the final room check.for handing over keys and key cards.

The administration is to accept your moving out date.

The room

The room must be emptied of personal belongings.

Also, the room must be cleaned thoroughly: vacuum and wipe off all corners and surfaces, also under the bed, behind the radiator. Wash off the desk on the interior and the exterior. Wash off the cloakroom. Remove traces of glue, adhesive tape, stains etc. on walls. The sink in the room itself is to be cleaned thoroughly, on the interior and the exterior. Please use an anti-calcium cleaning product. If in doubt, contact the student assistant.

If your room is not cleaned or not sufficiently cleaned potential costs will be deducted from your deposit starting at DKK 625-.

A room check should not take more than 30 minutes plus possible extra cleaning.

On the check-out date you are to return key card and the key to your mailbox.

You can expect to receive your deposit within two weeks unless deductions from the amount prove to be necessary.

Bathroom and toilet

When you move out, an amount of DKK 400 is deducted from your deposit. This amount covers half of the costs of a professional cleaning company to ensure that the new resident moves into a cleaned bathroom.

The entrance

Please clean the small entrance in front of your door thoroughly.


Please leave your shelf in the kitchen empty and clean. The same applies to the shelves in your refrigerator. Empty the freezer if you have used it.

Washing App

At Fortunkollegiet we use Appvask. If you move, you can close your account in the app and thus get any balance returned. If you have any questions, contact Birgitta (student assistant)

Kind regards

Louise Sophie Kjeldsen
Director of education